„For many years now, we have been working with Jovanka v. Wilsdorf at the c/o pop Convention in Cologne in a trusting relationship when it comes to the topic of „AI & Music“. Jovanka v. Wilsdorf’s expertise at the interface of music composition and songwriting to AI software is unique in Germany. Furthermore, her ability to convey complex contexts and workflows to an interested audience in a vivid and practice-oriented way is second to none. We are delighted and proud to have Jovankaon the c/o pop Convention team and wish her all the best andmuch success in her future career.“

C/O POP CONVENTION, Ralph Christoph,
director, co-founder C/O Pop Festival Cologne

“As an artist coach, Jovanka von Wilsdorf responds to complex artist personalities and meets the scholarship holders with creative input and professional expertise from her long career in the music industry. With her empathy and critical outside eye, she empowers the artists and helps them to the next level of their careers.We are excited to have Jovanka as an artist coach on the Musicboard Berlin team for the fourth year in 2022.“

MUSICBOARD, Katja Lucker,
Managing Director

"Jovanka did a VR onboarding session with six of our team for three hours. She's great in every way, from picking each person up where they begin in their technical understanding and the right mix of being entertaining and extremely clear. In addition to providing us with a history of the metaverse, Jovanka created customized (beautiful) VR spaces for our team to meet and share creative experiences. I highly recommend this experience/onboarding session for other companies and artists to get a feel for what's possible in the metaverse. It was a mind-blowing experience for the crew – and yet everybody felt safe on every step of the journey. "

Founder, CEO, creative director

„As a freelance lecturer for the Artist Management module, Jovanka v. Wilsdorf was a great asset to the Macromedia University. Both her extensive knowledge of the industry and her practice-oriented teaching approach gave the students valuable impulses for their professional future. By arranging four work placements, she also made an important contribution to the participating students‘ entry into professional life. We wish Ms. v. Wilsdorf continued success and all the best.“

Prof. Dr. Martin Lücke, Associate Dean & Head of Media Faculty

„Since 2014, Jovanka v. Wilsdorf has been working as a freelance artist coach for Music Pool Berlin and has since then worked for us in over 400 coaching sessions with musicians from the independent scene in Berlin. Ms. v. Wilsdorf has more than 20 years of professional experience in the music industry. She has the professional competence and the necessary sensitivity to accompany the musicians successfully, reflecting continuously in the participants‘ feedback. Her contacts in the industryare of extraordinary value to the participants of Music Pool and a unique asset in our team of experts.

MUSIC POOL BERLIN, Kirsten Grebasch,
Project manager, Board member of the Federal Association of Popular Music

„Jovanka v. Wilsdorf has been a speaker at the annual Music Business Summer School in Hamburg since 2019. With her, we were able to gain a professional and creative lecturer who imparts efficient strategies and tools in the seminar „Artist Profiling.“ Her comprehensive view of the entire music and creative industry makes her a valuable „translator“ for the artists to our participants with a focus on business. Jovankas innovative and open spirit combined with her profound industry knowledge makes her the perfect fit for us, and we look forward to continuing to work with her in the years to come.“

Sarah Amirfallah, Project lead/em>

„With its mentoring program, the VUT has been making an important contribution to supporting aspiring music entrepreneurs from all business sectors since 2015. This program stands and falls with the competence and commitment of the mentors. All the more, we were happy to welcome Jovanka v. Wilsdorf in 2019 as a mentor. Her broad background in the music industry and her expertise in artist development were a great enrichment for her mentee. The collegial collaboration with Jovanka v. Wilsdorf was a pleasure.“

VUT – Association of Independent Music Entrepreneurs e.V. Laureen Kornemann, Public Relations Officer

„Jovanka v. Wilsdorf skills as a (copy)writer are outstanding. She is a highly creative speed brain and always capable of nailing her ideas to the point. It has been a pleasure collaborating with her on the german Coca-Cola Campagne 2020, and we look forward to working with her again in 2021. “

Founder, CEO, creative director

Laudation – HYPE Award 2023 for"Sustained Commitment to Young Professional Support"

By Olaf Kretschmar, Chairman BV Pop I Cluster Manager Berlin Music Commission eG – President Landesmusikrat Berlin dV.“Jovanka von Wilsdorf is an absolute trailblazer. And she likes to share her discoveries and explorations with others! She does this with particular dedication to people who do not have access to the elite power circles of the music industry but who could nevertheless be decisive for the future of this industry. In her commitment as a coach, she has also become a major driving force behind the urgently needed transformation of the German music industry.Her commitment is particularly explosive because she is always one step ahead of the industry's vested representatives: For her, empowerment has always meant mastering future technology from the very beginning. Jovanka's expertise at the interface of music composition, songwriting, and production with AI software is unique in Germany. She has never joined in the industry's lamentations about evil technology, supposedly responsible for destroying business models and injustices of all kinds. On the contrary: the subject is and remains the human being. And it is not THE OTHERS; for Jovanka, it is always WE who have to shape technology and take responsibility for the future.She has gone ahead here with trend-setting practical projects: - DIANA AI-Songcontest- Female Producer Prize: For more visibility of women in the music industry, to name just two current ones.This leads me to a third point that distinguishes her: Because it's about us, as we all sit here, we need to connect well with each other. But that's not a sterile business thing; it's an emotional and deeply human act. Jovanka von Wilsdorf always does her job with a great deal of warmth. In fact, the focus of her actions is not technology at all but our kindness, attention, and connection with each other. Only when we are connected in this way can we shape our lives, technology, and the future. And that's exactly what she does herself. That's why it's so much fun to work with her, and I'm so happy to have met her in my life.”