Save the Date! On Wednesday, July 12, 2023, from 5 to 9 p.m., we will set the stage for the topic “AI as a creative booster for music and design.” Together with MFG Medien- and Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg mbH, we invite creative professionals and interested parties to exchange ideas about the future of the music and design industry at MAFINEX.

Keynote & Impulses will be delivered by:

Jovanka v. Wilsdorf: Songwriter at BMG Rights Management, artist coach, and founder of the DIANA AI Song Contest. She regularly gives master classes on “AI in music composition.” A start-up that has developed a groundbreaking search and tagging engine for music companies. Millions of songs are categorized and analyzed in no time using AI.
Mots: A visionary filmmaker and artist duo that shows how creative processes in the fields of film, installation, and internet art are revolutionized by AI.
Cosonify: An innovative Start-up that specializes in the development of project planning and communication tools for musicians*. They will report from an entrepreneur’s perspective on how AI applications change the work process.

After the presentations, there will be the opportunity to discuss burning issues around AI and digitization in the World Café before we finish the evening with appetizers, drinks, and conversation.